Well the other day Me, Dawn and Angela wanted to get awayfrom everything and "party" , Steve really didn't want me to go, but obvsly i went, And since im pregnant , i was the one who had to stay sober all nite nad pretty babysit them while they were having the times of their lives, But i had fun. We some how ended up at some hippies house, it was really fucked up. he offered us some shroomz , ANd i was so tempted to but i knew i had already fucked up the nite before by getting wasted. Well Dawn took some and she said it was insane! I was kinda worried about her, she had this look on her face that i can't put into words. When she came bakc to the normal world we were all getting pretty bored and left. When i got home i went on chat and was talking to this guy.. And im not gonna lie, i was flirting with him and saying alot of shit that shouldn't have been said. And why i did it? i Dont no, i was just really mad, I looked up to see that Steve was online! how long was he on for i dont no . i was speachless, iit took me a while to finally relize whta had just happened. he didn't say a word, he just signed off. At that poist all i wanted to do was scream!!! I barely slept that nite, had way to much on my mind. When i woke up the next daym i read his blog, He dumped me over a blog post!!! God im so fucking stupid!!!! He ignored me all day until it was just me and him online, it didnt last long until he left. I was talking to the "guy" about how sorry i was nad i really wasn't over Steve at all! Once again, Steve signed on and we finally had a conversation. He told me he didn't hate me. and rite now i dont no whats going on.